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Adventures of Arial Green

Courage Watercolor style

In the magical Elvin World, Arial Green, a 13-year-old girl with wavy light brown hair and round glasses, faces an evil force threatening her home. With courage as her guide, Arial embarks on a perilous journey to conquer the darkness, encountering obstacles that test her bravery. Will Arial find the courage to overcome her fears and bring peace to Elvin World?

CHAPTER 1 A NORMAL DAY ''Everyone! turn your pages to chapter 15'' announced Mrs. Spring. Ariel quietly flipped her pages to chapter 15 which was about Griffins. The day was boring because there was no P.T. class which Ariel liked. Her mind wandered and suddenly an idea popped into her head. She could create her own gadget! She made a mental note to pursue this idea as soon as she got home later that day. Ariel Green is a 13-year-old elf who lived in the Elvin world. Her life was normal like any other Elvin teenager like her. Ariel’s super power is water and her body is 100 percent made of water. Ariel was exhausted by the time she reached home that evening. ''You are here!'', said her mom, Anna. ''What do we have for dinner'' asked Ariel. “Chicken sandwich and soup”, replied her mom. Ariel quickly ate her lunch and went upstairs to her room. She wanted to build her gadget but had no idea what it would do and how to go about creating it. But she had her super power! So, she created four spheres of water and started twisting, tweaking, and turning the spheres until they turned into a solid, blue-coloured circular gadget. Once created, Ariel was excited to see what her gadget could do. When she tried it, the screen flashed in yellow with the words TOP SECRET in big, bold red letters. Ariel stared at the screen until it slowly dawned on her that she probably has stumbled into one of the Lumisous’ secrets. The Lumisous were five elves (three males and two females) who ruled the Elvin world. Ariel franticly tried to fiddle with the dials in her gadget to turn back. In apparent panic, she mistakenly clicked open the secret message. She read the secret quickly but she froze in shock when the screen flashed again this time to reveal the Lumisous – all five of them - staring at her in the screen.

CHAPTER 2: A MAJOR ACCIDENT “Seems like someone broke into our secrets,” said one of the male Lumisous. Ariel instantly recognized him. Terco was his name, and he had air powers. “Sirs and Madams, I didn’t do it on purpose,” said Ariel. “Oh really?,” snapped Persona, the female Lumisous with fire powers. “I didn’t mean to,” protested Ariel. But all five elves rolled their eyes. They quickly turned away and started whispering among themselves. Ariel waited trembling silently until they turned to her. “We will allow you to go unpunished,” said Sandra, the female Lumisous with earth powers, “but we want to know your special ability.” “My special ability is water,” replied Ariel. “Then you will have to do us a small favor,” said Terco. “You will have to help us capture the Sun Dragon.”

CHAPTER 3: AN UNUSUAL REQUEST “WHAT?” said Ariel, a little surprised. “Well, you have water powers, and the Sun Dragon has fire powers. Since none of us have waterpowers, there might be a good chance of you winning,” said Sandra. “But I am only 13 years old,” protested Ariel. “Well, most of our legendary heroes started when they were teens,” explained Persona. “So that means that you might be able to destroy the dragon or get banished,” said Terco. “Um okay, I might go with the first option,” said Ariel. “Then pack your bags and meet us outside at midnight,” said Marco, the elf with sky powers. “Wait,” said Ariel, but they had already left. Ariel sighed. “What is it, Ariel?” called out Mom. “I heard you talking to someone.” “Nobody, Mom,” replied Ariel. That night, Ariel stood outside her house, ready to set out on a journey that could make her a legendary hero. Well, there is a chance she might perish as a nobody in the battle. Sun Dragons are not easy to find and super hard to kill. She headed towards the East – where else would one find the ‘Sun’ Dragon. She felt extremely anxious as she was going to fight a legendary, super-powerful beast. Moving quickly as she whizzed past houses, shops and reached the outskirts of the city. She turned back to have a look at the City glistening in moon light. She wondered if she will come back alive to the normal life she leaves behind. She began to walk. The sky was dark, filled with glittering stars, and the bright full moon was beaming. As she walked on, she reached the mountains, a little far from the city’s border.

CHAPTER 4: A STEEP CLIMB Ariel stared up the mountain. It was very steep and dangerous, and she was not sure if her water powers could hold her for a very long time. Ariel created a bubble around her and forced it to fly upwards. When she was about to reach the top, the bubble accidentally pricked against a sharp edge. Ariel barely had time to finish her curse when it burst. She clung onto the sharp edge and made a big mistake by looking down because she was nearly at the top, and all she could see was a bottomless void. Ariel tried hard not to scream as she flung herself upwards, using the sharp edge as a catapult. She somehow made it to the top! “Uh oh, now how will I get down to the other side,” muttered Ariel. She created another bubble and began to go down. She reached the bottom and looked around. This was the enchanted forest Arlora! She remembered it from her Geography textbook. She saw the tall trees looming over her, giving her shade.

CHAPTER 5 TWO IS COMPANY Ariel walked through dense woods full of oaks, pines and deodars. She broke a twig from a pine, and it instantly became a scroll. The heading in the thick ribbon read ‘The Prophecy of the Glowing Star’. It was too dark under the woods, so Ariel tucked the scroll into her pocket and continued and soon left the forest. Ariel stared at a bleak desolate landscape that awaited her. She walked for the entire day under scorching sun over the parched land and by sunset reached a place that looked like a farm. Ariel decided to ask for food and shelter for the night. As she came closer and closer to the farm she mustered the courage to holler, “Hello? Anybody home?” There was a moment of silence and just at the point Ariel gave up on finding anyone on the farm, she sensed movement. A boy that looked about 14 eventually stepped out of a shed. He had thick curly blonde hair and soft brown eyes which Ariel thought was opposite to her wavy light brown hair and twinkling sparkling green eyes. “Who are you”? he asked.' “I lost my way in the woods. I am tired and hungry. I would greatly appreciate if you can provide me some food and shelter for the night”. ' “Well come in then'' said the boy entering the house next to the shed. Ariel quietly followed. The house was quite warm and cozy. The boy brought out some cabbage soup and Elvin porridge along with enough water for the two of them. ''So''? he asked as he watched Ariel wolf down her cabbage soup. Ariel told him the whole story about what brought her to his place. The boy stayed quiet for a very long time. Eventually he said ''May I join you''? “Why would you want to”? “I have lived all my life on this bleak farm and never explored what is beyond this. I would love to join your adventure” She will be putting him at risk if she said yes, but he looked like a resourceful young kid. She asked ''Are you smart''? ''Yes''. ''Then spell it''. ''I T” “Ok, you can come but I don’t even know your name'' smiled Ariel. “Bentrick” replied the boy. At sunrise the next day Ariel and Bentrick walked towards the mountains on the other side of the plains. As they neared the mountains Bentrick said ''My father once told me that four saber-toothed tigers guarded this mountain. Don’t know if it is true as he was a drunk old man with a propensity to lie. But let us be ready in case it is true”. They tip toed quietly, but Ariel stepped on a dried twig and made a crunch. Suddenly they were cornered by the tigers. “For the first time, I wish my dad was not telling the truth” said Bentrick.

CHAPTER 6: TIGER DANGER Ariel yelped as one of the tigers jumped onto her, but she was too quick for it and somersaulted across the ground while Bentrick dodged a large, sharp set of teeth and rolled to the sharpest edge at the foot of the mountains. He dodged again when the same saber-toothed tiger lunged toward him and ended up slamming against the sharp part, falling down dead with blood pouring from its head. Ariel was cornered by two of the saber-toothed tigers. When they lunged toward her, she rolled through the gap between the legs of one of the tigers, and the two tigers ended up slamming into each other. “COME ON!” yelled Bentrick, creating a burst of air (he had air powers) and lunging himself toward the mountain while Ariel created a bubble of water and made her way up. After they went down and crossed a valley, they entered somewhere snowy—the Land of Snow, where the Yetis lived. If you entered their land, they would destroy you, but to their chagrin they realized they have no other option.

CHAPTER 7: YETI TROUBLE “We have to cross their land anyway,” said Bentrick. “But Bentrick, if the Yetis see us, they will destroy us. They are really aggressive,” protested Ariel. Bentrick shook his head. “Ariel, if we have to find the Sun Dragon, this is the way. We must stand up,” he replied. Ariel knew Bentrick was right and gave in, so with abundant caution and fear they entered the Yeti land. Suddenly, a yeti passing by that way saw them and went mad with anger. “DODGE, BENTRICK, DODGE!” yelled Ariel. “RAWWWR!” replied the yeti, barreling toward them, but this time, it charged at Ariel, who cartwheeled to safer ground. Bentrick grabbed Ariel and tried to run away, but the yeti jumped over them and stood blocking their path. Ariel dashed with all her speed toward the left while Bentrick dashed to the right and followed her. In the far distance, Ariel spotted a portal leading out of the Land of Snow, and together with Bentrick, they entered the portal, leaving the snowy area and the angry Yeti behind.

CHAPTER 7: THE TRUTH Ariel and Bentrick transported to an island with a large glass pyramid library and 28 cottages surrounding it. When they entered the glass pyramid, they saw 28 fairies shifting books and writing down messages. Ariel’s eyes lit up. It was the Library of Aria! It was said that 28 fairies lived there, and they always wanted visitors, but they had all the history and were wise, so they were locked away with a library that they named Aria. Everyone thought it was a myth, but here they are in flesh and blood in front of her! The fairies' eyes lit up when they saw Ariel and Bentrick and went about trying to make their visitors comfortable. Soon, Ariel and Bentrick were sitting in comfortable chairs with a glass of orange juice in their hands. “We want to know something,” said Ariel, explaining everything. “Why is the Sun Dragon coming after our city?” asked Bentrick. The fairies sighed and told them everything about the Sun Dragon. “Long ago, the Sun Dragons lived together in peace and harmony before this happened. One day, an Elf with earth powers happened to be walking by their terrain when he was confronted by the dragons. He begged to let him go, but they refused. The Elf became mad and summoned an earthquake with all his energy and might, and he died after making the earthquake. All the Sun Dragons died in the earthquake, except for 14 young ones who ran away. Now, one of them has come for revenge,” finished the fairy, looking sad.

CHAPTER 8: MORE ADVENTURES “So, this is what happened,” said Ariel quietly. “Yup,” replied a fairy. “Thanks for letting us know,” said Ariel as she got up, followed by Bentrick. “We will take our leave.” “Sure!” said the fairy, opening a portal. “This helps your journey, young ones. Be careful.” “So, what should we do now?” asked Bentrick, opening his bag to find out they had 16 loaves of bread left and 16 bottles of water. They continued their journey to find the Sun Dragon. “I hope we will find the dragon, kill it, and go home,” said Ariel. Before she could finish her sentence, a large figure came barreling toward them from the sky. “DUCK!” yelled Ariel as the figure landed on the ground. It was a halcyon. “Poor thing,” said Ariel, bending down to examine the bird. “Something large must have hit it,” said Bentrick. Ariel took out three cloths from her pocket and used one of them to wrap around the Halcyon’s wound. Ariel checked to see if the bird would be able to fly again, and fortunately, it could. The halcyon squeaked in delight. Ariel smiled and got up, but the bird followed her. “Well, looks like we have a new friend,” said Bentrick, smiling. Ariel let the bird perch on her shoulder and ran a finger down her beak. Then they continued their journey. “Bentrick, I just realized something,” said Ariel. “What?” “That if we push really hard at our powers, we will die just like the elf in the story.” “What is your point?” “We need to control our emotions.” “Good point.” Suddenly, a loud screech came from the halcyon. “What is it, girl?” asked Ariel. The bird flew from Ariel’s shoulder and landed on the ground. But there was something on the ground—a white pad. “This is Snowflomor” she said. “It teleports people into the east if they step on it.” After Ariel explained the white pad to Bentrick, they, together with the halcyon, which they named Flora, stepped onto it.

CHAPTER 9: The Final Frontier The Snowflomor whirred them away for a long while and landed them some place where they found themselves surrounded by dark mist, disoriented and unsure of where they had landed. The air was thick, and a chilling silence filled the space. "Where are we?" whispered Bentrick, peering into the mist. They walked a little further. Before they could make sense of where they were Flora screeched, and something pushed them to the ground. They fell and landed hard on the earth. “OW!” yelled Bentrick. Suddenly, a large shape loomed over them—it was the Sun Dragon! “RAWWR!” yelled the Sun Dragon, charging toward them. Luckily, they had planned for a sudden ambush by the Sun Dragon. Ariel dashed toward the dragon, slid between its massive legs, and slashed at the dragon's stomach. She grabbed hold of its tail and started climbing, followed by Bentrick. They reached the dragon’s head and used its horns to steer it toward the city. “RAWWR!” yelled the dragon again as they landed on the mountain outside the city. Ariel raised her sword and stabbed the dragon in the head. The dragon suddenly went still. They did it! All the citizens and the Lumisous rushed out and cheered over the death of the dragon. As Ariel and Bentrick got down, Ariel’s parents came running, and she hugged them happily. “You did it,” said a smiling Persona. Ariel looked happily at Persona, and Persona added, “We have to talk to you about the Glowing Star Prophecy.” “What?” asked Ariel.’’ Bentrick told us about your adventures and we noticed the prophecy. Do you mind if you will take on that prophecy and complete it? ‘’OF course! Ariel looked at the sunset. She has become a hero at last.

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