In the mystical heights of Mount Kailash, a young boy named Vinayaka is tasked with a brave duty. When an unexpected visitor arrives, Vinayaka must summon all his courage to protect his home. This story teaches the importance of courage and obedience.
Once upon a time, high up in the Himalayas, Parvati lived with her husband Shiva. One day, Parvati decided to make a sculpture of a little boy. She carefully molded the clay and created a boy with chubby cheeks and large, wide eyes. She was so pleased with her creation that she decided to give it life.
Parvati was ecstatic with her new son, Vinayaka. She got dirty from making Vinayaka and decided to take a bath. As Shiva was away, she told Vinayaka to guard the door and not let any strangers in. Vinayaka, being an obedient son, took his duty very seriously.
While playing with his stick, a large man with blue skin approached the hut. Vinayaka had never seen this man before and stopped him from entering. The man said, - Let me pass, little one. - No, my mother told me not to let anyone in, said Vinayaka firmly.
- I am Shiva, your father. Let me in! - the man demanded. Vinayaka, not knowing who he was, refused to let him pass. In a fit of rage, Shiva raised his trident and beheaded Vinayaka. Parvati, hearing the commotion, rushed out and screamed, - What have you done to our son?
Shiva realized his grave mistake. - I will make it right, Parvati. I promise, - he said. Shiva went into the forest and found an elephant. He took its head and placed it on Vinayaka's body. With great care, he brought Vinayaka back to life.
Parvati hugged Vinayaka tightly. - You were so brave, my son. - Shiva patted Vinayaka's head and said, - I am proud of you for being obedient and courageous. From now on, you will be known as Ganesha, the wise and prosperous one. Vinayaka beamed with happiness, knowing he had made his parents proud.
Once upon a time, high up in the Himalayas, Parvati lived with her husband Shiva. One day, Parvati decided to make a sculpture of a little boy. She carefully molded the clay and created a boy with chubby cheeks and large, wide eyes. She was so pleased with her creation that she decided to give it life.
Parvati was ecstatic with her new son, Vinayaka. She got dirty from making Vinayaka and decided to take a bath. As Shiva was away, she told Vinayaka to guard the door and not let any strangers in. Vinayaka, being an obedient son, took his duty very seriously.
While playing with his stick, a large man with blue skin approached the hut. Vinayaka had never seen this man before and stopped him from entering. The man said, - Let me pass, little one. - No, my mother told me not to let anyone in, said Vinayaka firmly.
- I am Shiva, your father. Let me in! - the man demanded. Vinayaka, not knowing who he was, refused to let him pass. In a fit of rage, Shiva raised his trident and beheaded Vinayaka. Parvati, hearing the commotion, rushed out and screamed, - What have you done to our son?
Shiva realized his grave mistake. - I will make it right, Parvati. I promise, - he said. Shiva went into the forest and found an elephant. He took its head and placed it on Vinayaka's body. With great care, he brought Vinayaka back to life.
Parvati hugged Vinayaka tightly. - You were so brave, my son. - Shiva patted Vinayaka's head and said, - I am proud of you for being obedient and courageous. From now on, you will be known as Ganesha, the wise and prosperous one. Vinayaka beamed with happiness, knowing he had made his parents proud.
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