In the bustling city of Istanbul, seven-year-old Defne and her cousins face an unexpected challenge. Defne has a stomach ache, and her grandmother diagnoses it as diarrhea. Despite her dislike for chickpeas, her cousins suggest that these legumes can be the remedy. As Defne struggles with this unusual cure, she learns about courage and the power of tiny warriors within chickpeas. Will she find the courage to try the chickpeas and overcome her discomfort?
Defne was playing with her cousins Çınar, Demir, and Sare in the lively streets of Istanbul. Suddenly, she clutched her stomach in pain.
Her grandmother quickly exclaimed, "Diarrhea!" Defne felt worried.
Çınar said, "Chickpeas can help!" But Defne frowned, "I don't like chickpeas!"
Demir added, "Chickpeas are like tiny warriors that fight germs."
Sare chimed in, "These warriors are fast and strong!" Defne looked unsure.
Defne sighed, "I can't do it. I'm too scared."
Her cousins reassured her, "You can do it, Defne! We believe in you!"
Defne took a deep breath, "Alright, I'll try the chickpeas."
She ate a handful of chickpeas. "It doesn't taste so bad," she admitted.
Slowly, her stomach felt better. "It worked!" she exclaimed.
From that day on, Defne always carried chickpeas with her.
"Chickpeas are my favorite now!" Defne declared with a grin.
Defne was playing with her cousins Çınar, Demir, and Sare in the lively streets of Istanbul. Suddenly, she clutched her stomach in pain.
Her grandmother quickly exclaimed, "Diarrhea!" Defne felt worried.
Çınar said, "Chickpeas can help!" But Defne frowned, "I don't like chickpeas!"
Demir added, "Chickpeas are like tiny warriors that fight germs."
Sare chimed in, "These warriors are fast and strong!" Defne looked unsure.
Defne sighed, "I can't do it. I'm too scared."
Her cousins reassured her, "You can do it, Defne! We believe in you!"
Defne took a deep breath, "Alright, I'll try the chickpeas."
She ate a handful of chickpeas. "It doesn't taste so bad," she admitted.
Slowly, her stomach felt better. "It worked!" she exclaimed.
From that day on, Defne always carried chickpeas with her.
"Chickpeas are my favorite now!" Defne declared with a grin.
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