George, a curious boy at Nedlands Primary School, faces a challenge when he becomes jealous of his favorite helper, Abby, spending time with others. Through his journey, George discovers the right way to handle his feelings and learns the true meaning of wisdom.
George loved going to Nedlands Primary School. His favorite part of the day was when Abby, his special helper, worked with him. But one day, he saw Abby helping another child, and it made him feel upset. George couldn't understand why Abby wasn't spending all her time with him. - Why can't Abby just help me all the time? George wondered.
George tried to wait patiently, but he felt like he was going to burst. He wanted Abby to come back to him right away. When she didn't, George ran out of the classroom and hid in the playground. - George, come back! his friend Sam called. But George was too upset to listen.
The next day, George again noticed Abby helping someone else. He felt his heart sink. - It's not fair, George muttered to himself. It seemed like no matter what he did, Abby was always busy with others. He stomped his foot and frowned. - Maybe she doesn't like helping me anymore, George thought sadly.
After a few days, George felt like giving up. He didn't want to go to school if Abby wasn't there just for him. - I don't like school anymore, George told his mom. His mom gave him a hug and said, - You know, Abby helps everyone to learn, not just you. Your turn will come.
One afternoon, while George sat by himself, the school counselor, Mr. Wise, came over. - George, I know you're feeling upset, but there's enough of Abby to go around, he said. George listened as Mr. Wise explained that everyone needs help sometimes, and sharing Abby's time was fair. - Maybe you can help others too, George, Mr. Wise suggested. George thought about it and nodded slowly.
George decided to try something new. He started helping his classmates when Abby was busy. - Look, you can do it this way, George said, showing a friend how to solve a puzzle. Soon, George realized that helping others felt really good. He understood why Abby helped everyone. George felt proud and happy, and school became fun again. - Thanks, Abby, for teaching me how to be a helper too, George said with a smile.
George loved going to Nedlands Primary School. His favorite part of the day was when Abby, his special helper, worked with him. But one day, he saw Abby helping another child, and it made him feel upset. George couldn't understand why Abby wasn't spending all her time with him. - Why can't Abby just help me all the time? George wondered.
George tried to wait patiently, but he felt like he was going to burst. He wanted Abby to come back to him right away. When she didn't, George ran out of the classroom and hid in the playground. - George, come back! his friend Sam called. But George was too upset to listen.
The next day, George again noticed Abby helping someone else. He felt his heart sink. - It's not fair, George muttered to himself. It seemed like no matter what he did, Abby was always busy with others. He stomped his foot and frowned. - Maybe she doesn't like helping me anymore, George thought sadly.
After a few days, George felt like giving up. He didn't want to go to school if Abby wasn't there just for him. - I don't like school anymore, George told his mom. His mom gave him a hug and said, - You know, Abby helps everyone to learn, not just you. Your turn will come.
One afternoon, while George sat by himself, the school counselor, Mr. Wise, came over. - George, I know you're feeling upset, but there's enough of Abby to go around, he said. George listened as Mr. Wise explained that everyone needs help sometimes, and sharing Abby's time was fair. - Maybe you can help others too, George, Mr. Wise suggested. George thought about it and nodded slowly.
George decided to try something new. He started helping his classmates when Abby was busy. - Look, you can do it this way, George said, showing a friend how to solve a puzzle. Soon, George realized that helping others felt really good. He understood why Abby helped everyone. George felt proud and happy, and school became fun again. - Thanks, Abby, for teaching me how to be a helper too, George said with a smile.
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