Jack the Jackal and Cotton the Rabbit embark on a journey through the desert, learning about courage and faith as they face various obstacles. Despite the challenges, they discover that God will always make a way for them.
Jack the Jackal and his friend Cotton the Rabbit lived in a hot, sandy desert. One day, Jack found out that their water hole had dried up!
- What will we do? Cotton asked. - We have to find a new water hole, Jack said. They decided to set off on a journey to find water.
They walked for hours. The sun was very hot. They were tired and thirsty. Suddenly, they saw a big rock blocking their path.
- How will we get around this? Cotton asked. - We will find a way, Jack said with determination. They climbed over the rock, but it was very hard.
After climbing the rock, they saw a big thorn bush. The thorns were sharp and scary. They had to find a way around it.
- Maybe we should turn back, Cotton said. - No, we must keep going, Jack replied. They carefully walked around the thorn bush.
They kept walking, but Jack and Cotton were getting very tired. They saw a big hill of sand. It was very tall and hard to climb.
- I can't climb this, Cotton said. - We have to try, Jack encouraged. They slowly climbed up the sand hill.
When they reached the top, they saw a big river in the distance. But there was no bridge! How would they cross it?
- We can't swim across, Cotton said. - We will find a way, Jack said. They decided to walk along the riverbank to find a way across.
Jack and Cotton walked for a long time. They were very tired and wanted to give up. They sat down on the riverbank.
- Maybe we should go back, Cotton said sadly. - But we need water, Jack said. They sat quietly, feeling hopeless.
Suddenly, an old tortoise appeared. - Why are you so sad? he asked. Jack explained their problem.
- Follow me, the tortoise said. He led them to a narrow part of the river with stepping stones. - You can cross here, he said.
Jack and Cotton crossed the river using the stepping stones. They felt happy and thankful. - God made a way for us, Jack said.
On the other side, they found a new water hole! - We did it, Cotton cheered. - Yes, and God helped us, Jack smiled.
Jack the Jackal and his friend Cotton the Rabbit lived in a hot, sandy desert. One day, Jack found out that their water hole had dried up!
- What will we do? Cotton asked. - We have to find a new water hole, Jack said. They decided to set off on a journey to find water.
They walked for hours. The sun was very hot. They were tired and thirsty. Suddenly, they saw a big rock blocking their path.
- How will we get around this? Cotton asked. - We will find a way, Jack said with determination. They climbed over the rock, but it was very hard.
After climbing the rock, they saw a big thorn bush. The thorns were sharp and scary. They had to find a way around it.
- Maybe we should turn back, Cotton said. - No, we must keep going, Jack replied. They carefully walked around the thorn bush.
They kept walking, but Jack and Cotton were getting very tired. They saw a big hill of sand. It was very tall and hard to climb.
- I can't climb this, Cotton said. - We have to try, Jack encouraged. They slowly climbed up the sand hill.
When they reached the top, they saw a big river in the distance. But there was no bridge! How would they cross it?
- We can't swim across, Cotton said. - We will find a way, Jack said. They decided to walk along the riverbank to find a way across.
Jack and Cotton walked for a long time. They were very tired and wanted to give up. They sat down on the riverbank.
- Maybe we should go back, Cotton said sadly. - But we need water, Jack said. They sat quietly, feeling hopeless.
Suddenly, an old tortoise appeared. - Why are you so sad? he asked. Jack explained their problem.
- Follow me, the tortoise said. He led them to a narrow part of the river with stepping stones. - You can cross here, he said.
Jack and Cotton crossed the river using the stepping stones. They felt happy and thankful. - God made a way for us, Jack said.
On the other side, they found a new water hole! - We did it, Cotton cheered. - Yes, and God helped us, Jack smiled.
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