In ancient Jerusalem, Yeshua, a man of power and love, faces immense challenges while sharing the message of God's everlasting kingdom. Will his courage and sacrifice save the world?
A long time ago in Jerusalem, Yeshua came with a message of love and peace. He told everyone about God's everlasting kingdom. Many people were excited, but some were skeptical. The religious leaders especially didn't believe him. They thought their old ways were better.
Yeshua continued to teach about God's kingdom, but the religious leaders grew more upset. They didn't want to accept that Yeshua was sent by God. One day, they confronted him in the temple. They tried to make him look foolish in front of everyone.
- Why do you think you can teach us? one leader asked. - I speak the truth from God, Yeshua replied calmly. The leaders sneered and planned to stop him. They wanted to keep their power.
The first obstacle came when the leaders spread lies about Yeshua. They told people he was a troublemaker. Many began to doubt him. Yeshua felt sad but kept teaching. He knew the truth would prevail.
Next, the leaders tried to trap Yeshua with tricky questions. - Should we pay taxes to the Romans? they asked. Yeshua knew they wanted to get him in trouble. - Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's, he answered wisely.
The leaders became desperate. They bribed one of Yeshua's followers, Judas, to betray him. - I will lead you to him, Judas whispered. Yeshua knew what was happening but stayed calm.
Yeshua was arrested and brought before the Roman governor, Pilate. - Are you the king of the Jews? Pilate asked. - My kingdom is not of this world, Yeshua replied. Pilate was puzzled but couldn't find any fault in him.
Despite Pilate's hesitation, the crowd shouted for Yeshua's crucifixion. - Crucify him! they yelled. Pilate washed his hands, giving in to their demands. Yeshua was led to the cross, carrying it through the streets.
Yeshua was nailed to the cross, and the sky grew dark. - Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing, Yeshua prayed. His followers watched in sorrow. They couldn't believe this was happening.
Yeshua died on the cross, and his body was placed in a tomb. - It's over, we're lost, his followers cried. They felt hopeless and afraid. Little did they know, the story wasn't over yet.
Three days later, something miraculous happened. The tomb was empty! - He is risen! an angel proclaimed. Yeshua had risen from the dead, just as he said he would.
- Yeshua is alive! his followers exclaimed with joy. Yeshua appeared to them, showing his wounds. - Peace be with you, he said. Their hearts were filled with hope and courage.
Before ascending to heaven, Yeshua gave his followers a mission. - Go and tell everyone about God's kingdom, he instructed. - But how will we do it without you? they asked. - My Spirit will be with you, guiding you always, Yeshua promised.
Yeshua's followers went out into the world, spreading the good news. - Believe in Yeshua, and you will be part of God's everlasting kingdom, they proclaimed. Many people listened and believed. The kingdom began to grow.
Years later, Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by the Romans. - Just as Yeshua said, his followers remembered. This marked the end of the old ways and the beginning of God's everlasting kingdom on earth.
Today, we live in the time of God's everlasting kingdom. - Yeshua's kingdom is here, and it grows every day, his followers say. We don't have to be afraid. Instead, we can have hope and courage, knowing Yeshua's love and power are with us.
A long time ago in Jerusalem, Yeshua came with a message of love and peace. He told everyone about God's everlasting kingdom. Many people were excited, but some were skeptical. The religious leaders especially didn't believe him. They thought their old ways were better.
Yeshua continued to teach about God's kingdom, but the religious leaders grew more upset. They didn't want to accept that Yeshua was sent by God. One day, they confronted him in the temple. They tried to make him look foolish in front of everyone.
- Why do you think you can teach us? one leader asked. - I speak the truth from God, Yeshua replied calmly. The leaders sneered and planned to stop him. They wanted to keep their power.
The first obstacle came when the leaders spread lies about Yeshua. They told people he was a troublemaker. Many began to doubt him. Yeshua felt sad but kept teaching. He knew the truth would prevail.
Next, the leaders tried to trap Yeshua with tricky questions. - Should we pay taxes to the Romans? they asked. Yeshua knew they wanted to get him in trouble. - Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's, he answered wisely.
The leaders became desperate. They bribed one of Yeshua's followers, Judas, to betray him. - I will lead you to him, Judas whispered. Yeshua knew what was happening but stayed calm.
Yeshua was arrested and brought before the Roman governor, Pilate. - Are you the king of the Jews? Pilate asked. - My kingdom is not of this world, Yeshua replied. Pilate was puzzled but couldn't find any fault in him.
Despite Pilate's hesitation, the crowd shouted for Yeshua's crucifixion. - Crucify him! they yelled. Pilate washed his hands, giving in to their demands. Yeshua was led to the cross, carrying it through the streets.
Yeshua was nailed to the cross, and the sky grew dark. - Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing, Yeshua prayed. His followers watched in sorrow. They couldn't believe this was happening.
Yeshua died on the cross, and his body was placed in a tomb. - It's over, we're lost, his followers cried. They felt hopeless and afraid. Little did they know, the story wasn't over yet.
Three days later, something miraculous happened. The tomb was empty! - He is risen! an angel proclaimed. Yeshua had risen from the dead, just as he said he would.
- Yeshua is alive! his followers exclaimed with joy. Yeshua appeared to them, showing his wounds. - Peace be with you, he said. Their hearts were filled with hope and courage.
Before ascending to heaven, Yeshua gave his followers a mission. - Go and tell everyone about God's kingdom, he instructed. - But how will we do it without you? they asked. - My Spirit will be with you, guiding you always, Yeshua promised.
Yeshua's followers went out into the world, spreading the good news. - Believe in Yeshua, and you will be part of God's everlasting kingdom, they proclaimed. Many people listened and believed. The kingdom began to grow.
Years later, Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by the Romans. - Just as Yeshua said, his followers remembered. This marked the end of the old ways and the beginning of God's everlasting kingdom on earth.
Today, we live in the time of God's everlasting kingdom. - Yeshua's kingdom is here, and it grows every day, his followers say. We don't have to be afraid. Instead, we can have hope and courage, knowing Yeshua's love and power are with us.
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