In bustling Tokyo, Dwardie, a brave 5-year-old, faces a big problem: the imaginary dragon he's always dreamed of is missing! He embarks on a journey filled with obstacles, learning the true meaning of courage along the way.
Dwardie lived in Tokyo, where he loved to imagine dragons. One day, his favorite dragon, Drako, went missing. Without Drako, Dwardie felt scared and lonely. He decided to find Drako, no matter what. But where could an imaginary dragon go?
Dwardie started his search in his backyard. He looked under bushes and behind trees but found nothing. He felt a bit scared. Then he heard a noise.
Dwardie followed the noise to a park. The park was big and crowded. He saw people playing but no dragon. He climbed a tree to get a better view but slipped and fell.
Dwardie felt like giving up. He sat on a bench and cried. A kind old man saw him and asked, - Why are you crying, little one? - I lost my dragon, Dwardie said. - Don't give up, said the man. - Courage will help you find him.
The old man's words gave Dwardie hope. He decided to look again, but this time, he asked for help. - Mom, can you help me find Drako? - Of course, dear, his mom replied. They searched together and found a clue: Drako's favorite toy!
With renewed courage, Dwardie followed more clues. They led him to a secret garden. There, among the flowers, was Drako! - Drako! I found you! Dwardie shouted. He hugged his dragon tight. Dwardie learned that with courage, he could face anything.
Dwardie lived in Tokyo, where he loved to imagine dragons. One day, his favorite dragon, Drako, went missing. Without Drako, Dwardie felt scared and lonely. He decided to find Drako, no matter what. But where could an imaginary dragon go?
Dwardie started his search in his backyard. He looked under bushes and behind trees but found nothing. He felt a bit scared. Then he heard a noise.
Dwardie followed the noise to a park. The park was big and crowded. He saw people playing but no dragon. He climbed a tree to get a better view but slipped and fell.
Dwardie felt like giving up. He sat on a bench and cried. A kind old man saw him and asked, - Why are you crying, little one? - I lost my dragon, Dwardie said. - Don't give up, said the man. - Courage will help you find him.
The old man's words gave Dwardie hope. He decided to look again, but this time, he asked for help. - Mom, can you help me find Drako? - Of course, dear, his mom replied. They searched together and found a clue: Drako's favorite toy!
With renewed courage, Dwardie followed more clues. They led him to a secret garden. There, among the flowers, was Drako! - Drako! I found you! Dwardie shouted. He hugged his dragon tight. Dwardie learned that with courage, he could face anything.
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