Alma, a curious two-year-old, embarks on a heartwarming journey between Portugal and Australia. With the help of her two moms, Maman and Mãe, Alma learns the importance of honesty when a small fib spirals into a big adventure. Will Alma find the courage to be truthful?
Alma loved playing with her toys in her sunny room. One day, she found a shiny red ball in her toy box. But, oh no! The ball wasn't hers! She wondered where it came from. Alma wanted to find out who it belonged to.
Alma went to her Maman in the kitchen. - Maman, whose ball is this? she asked. Maman said they should find out together. They decided to look around the house.
They searched the living room, but the ball's owner wasn't there. Alma felt a little worried. - What if we never find who it belongs to? she asked. Maman smiled and said, - Don't worry, we'll keep looking.
Alma and Maman went to the garden next. The birds chirped happily, but there was no sign of the ball's owner. Alma sighed, feeling a bit down. - Maybe Mãe will know, she said.
They found Mãe reading a book in the park. - Mãe, do you know whose ball this is? Alma asked. Mãe thought for a moment and said she didn't know either. Alma felt a little lost.
Alma decided to ask her friends. She ran to the playground with the ball. Her friends were playing on the swings and slides. But no one recognized the ball!
Alma felt like giving up. She sat on the swing, feeling sad. - I can't find who owns the ball, she said. Her friends patted her back, trying to cheer her up.
Alma thought about what to do next. She remembered a story Maman told her about being honest. Alma realized she should tell the truth.
Alma ran back to Maman and Mãe. - I need to tell you something, she said. Alma explained how she found the ball and didn't know whose it was. Her moms hugged her and said, - We're proud of you for being honest.
They all decided to put up a sign in the park. The sign read, 'Found: Shiny Red Ball.' A little boy came running the next day. - That's my ball! he said happily. Alma felt proud for telling the truth and solving the mystery.
Alma loved playing with her toys in her sunny room. One day, she found a shiny red ball in her toy box. But, oh no! The ball wasn't hers! She wondered where it came from. Alma wanted to find out who it belonged to.
Alma went to her Maman in the kitchen. - Maman, whose ball is this? she asked. Maman said they should find out together. They decided to look around the house.
They searched the living room, but the ball's owner wasn't there. Alma felt a little worried. - What if we never find who it belongs to? she asked. Maman smiled and said, - Don't worry, we'll keep looking.
Alma and Maman went to the garden next. The birds chirped happily, but there was no sign of the ball's owner. Alma sighed, feeling a bit down. - Maybe Mãe will know, she said.
They found Mãe reading a book in the park. - Mãe, do you know whose ball this is? Alma asked. Mãe thought for a moment and said she didn't know either. Alma felt a little lost.
Alma decided to ask her friends. She ran to the playground with the ball. Her friends were playing on the swings and slides. But no one recognized the ball!
Alma felt like giving up. She sat on the swing, feeling sad. - I can't find who owns the ball, she said. Her friends patted her back, trying to cheer her up.
Alma thought about what to do next. She remembered a story Maman told her about being honest. Alma realized she should tell the truth.
Alma ran back to Maman and Mãe. - I need to tell you something, she said. Alma explained how she found the ball and didn't know whose it was. Her moms hugged her and said, - We're proud of you for being honest.
They all decided to put up a sign in the park. The sign read, 'Found: Shiny Red Ball.' A little boy came running the next day. - That's my ball! he said happily. Alma felt proud for telling the truth and solving the mystery.
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