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Millie's Monsters: Facing what is under your bed

Courage Pixar style

Millie's Monsters tells the tale of a young girl named Millie who is terrified of the monsters she believes lurk under her bed and in her closet. As Millie faces her fears, she encounters a series of obstacles that test her courage. With the help of family and friends, she learns to confront her fears and discovers that courage comes from within. She uses different strategies to confront her fears in a fun and problem-solving way. What can YOU do to face your monsters?

Millie lived in a cozy house in Clemmons, North Carolina. Every night, she dreaded bedtime because she was sure monsters hid under her bed and in her closet. Her heart would race, and she couldn't sleep. The shadows on the wall seemed to move and grow bigger. Millie felt trapped by her fears.

Millie's mom tried to reassure her. - There's nothing to be afraid of, Millie. Monsters aren't real. But Millie wasn't convinced. - But I hear them whispering, she insisted, clutching her teddy bear tightly. Millie wanted to be brave but didn't know how.

One night, Millie decided to check under her bed. Her hands shook as she slowly lifted the blanket. - What if I see a monster? she thought, her heart pounding. But all she found was a forgotten sock and a dust bunny. Even though she found nothing, her fear didn't go away.

Millie then decided to face the closet. She stood in front of it, hesitating. - You can do this, Millie, she whispered to herself. But the thought of opening the door made her freeze. She backed away, too scared to go all the way in.

At school, Millie's friends noticed she looked tired. - Why are you so sleepy? asked her friend Jake. Millie sighed and explained her monster fears. - Maybe you just need a flashlight, suggested Jake. Millie thought it was a good idea but was still unsure.

Millie tried using a flashlight that night. She felt a bit braver as she shone it under the bed and into the closet. - See, it's just a normal room, she told herself. But the moment she turned it off, the shadows seemed to creep back. Her heart sank with disappointment. -Then she tried to whistle. Next she sang her favorite songs. Would it work? -She called her best friend, Frankie. -She asked her dad to put up fairy lights all over her bed. -She asked mom for "monster spray" in a misting perfume bottle. -She played the radio AND the T.V. in her room. -She wrote and drew monsters in her journal to distract herself. -She made an army of soft toys around her to protect her. -Finally, she had enough. She stood up and loudly said, "Go away monsters!" in a firm no nonsense voice.

The next day, Millie spoke with her older sister, Max. - I'm still scared of the monsters, she admitted. Max thought for a moment. - Maybe you need a monster friend, she suggested. Millie laughed, but the idea stuck with her.

Millie felt exhausted and defeated. - I'll never be brave, she thought sadly. She considered never sleeping in her room again. But deep down, she knew she had to find a way to overcome her fears. She couldn't give up completely.

That evening, her grandma visited and noticed Millie's gloomy expression. - What's wrong, dear? she asked gently. Millie explained everything, and her grandma smiled. - Courage isn't about not being afraid, it's about facing your fears, she said. This gave Millie an idea.

That night, Millie stood bravely in front of her closet. She imagined the monsters were just friendly creatures who needed to be understood. - I'll be your friend, she declared. Suddenly, the shadows didn't seem so scary. She heard something giggle. -The monsters came out from hiding. They weren't scary at all! -Millie realized she had found her courage! She was no longer afraid of monsters under her bed and in her closet. They were her friends! -Millie decided to have a monster party with her new friends. They had fun playing, dancing, and eating monster cookies. Millie was never afraid of her bedroom again.

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