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Nadalu's Heart House Adventure

Honesty Watercolor style

Nadalu, a kind-hearted six-year-old, discovers that welcoming bad guests like Lady Disobedience, Mr. Swear Word, and Miss Lie into his 'Heart House' brings only sadness. As he struggles to find happiness again, he learns the importance of honesty and the power of inviting Mr. Love (a metaphor for Jesus) into his heart to restore joy and peace.

In the Heart House, Nadalu felt something was wrong. Every time he told a little lie or used a bad word, his heart felt heavier. He wanted to be happy and light again. Nadalu wondered why he felt so sad. Could it be the bad guests he welcomed into his heart?

Nadalu decided to ask his friend, Mia, for advice. - Why do I feel so sad, even when I play all day? Nadalu asked. - Maybe it's because of the guests in your Heart House, Mia suggested. - But they seemed so fun at first, Nadalu replied. He began to realize his problem was bigger than he thought.

Nadalu tried to ignore his sad feelings, but they only grew stronger. Lady Disobedience whispered, - Ignore the rules, it's more fun! Nadalu listened, but it only made things worse. - Why do I feel even sadder? Nadalu wondered. He realized he couldn't ignore the problem any longer.

The next day, Mr. Swear Word knocked on Nadalu's Heart House door. - Let me in, and I'll make you stronger! Mr. Swear Word promised. Nadalu thought it would help, but his heart felt even heavier. - I don't like this feeling, Nadalu sighed. He realized that Mr. Swear Word was not a good guest.

Then, Miss Lie came by, promising fun and excitement. - Tell little lies, and you'll have more fun! Miss Lie encouraged. But every time Nadalu lied, he felt guilty and sad. - Why do lies make me feel so bad? Nadalu asked himself. He knew he had to make a change.

Feeling overwhelmed, Nadalu sat quietly, thinking. His Heart House was getting darker and heavier. - Maybe I'm not meant to be happy, Nadalu thought sadly. He felt like giving up. But deep down, he wished for a solution.

Just then, a gentle voice spoke to Nadalu. - You can invite me into your Heart House, said Mr. Love. - Who are you? Nadalu asked. - I am here to bring light and joy, Mr. Love replied. Nadalu felt a warmth in his heart.

Nadalu hesitated but decided to welcome Mr. Love. As Mr. Love entered, the Heart House began to shine brightly. - I feel lighter already! Nadalu exclaimed. Mr. Love helped him kindly ask the bad guests to leave. It was as if a huge weight was lifted.

With Mr. Love's help, Nadalu learned the power of honesty. - Being truthful is the best choice, Nadalu realized. He apologized to those he hurt and promised to be kind. - I feel free and happy, Nadalu said with a smile. His Heart House was finally at peace.

Nadalu understood that honesty brought true happiness. - Thank you, Mr. Love, for showing me the way, Nadalu said. His Heart House was now a place of joy and love. Nadalu promised to always keep it that way. He learned that honesty was the key to a happy heart.

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