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Nina e Suas Cores Especiais

Tolerance Pixar style

A story about Nina, a unique girl who can see emotions as colors, and her quest to bring her classmates together despite their differences.

Nina era uma menina de 8 anos que via o mundo de uma forma única e mágica. Seus olhos amendoados brilhavam como estrelas quando ela pegava seus lápis de cor, e seu sorriso iluminava toda a sala de aula. Nina tinha Síndrome de Down, e isso a tornava ainda mais especial.

Nina wanted to help Pedro, but she faced her first obstacle. Some kids at school were afraid to play with Pedro because he used crutches to walk. Nina approached her friend Sara to help include Pedro. - Pedro looks so sad, Nina said. - I wish we could make him smile. - But how? Sara asked, hesitant. Nina knew she had to find a way to change their minds.

As Nina tried to help Pedro, more obstacles appeared. Some kids teased her about being different too. Others simply ignored her efforts. - Why won't they understand? Nina sighed. - Maybe it's too hard for them to accept, Sara replied. Nina felt discouraged but was determined to find a way to bring everyone together.

Frustrated, Nina thought about giving up. She sat alone under a tree, watching the colors swirl around her. - Maybe I can't change anything, she whispered to herself. Just then, Pedro sat beside her, offering a small smile. - I like your colors, he said. Nina realized she couldn't give up yet. She had to try one last time.

Nina had an idea for a breakthrough. She decided to create a special drawing with her magical pencils. - Let's make a place where everyone can be themselves, she told Pedro. Together, they drew a world where differences were celebrated. Soon, other kids joined them, curious about their colorful creation. Slowly, the dark blue around Pedro started to fade.

Nina's plan worked, and the main problem was solved. The once lonely corner of the schoolyard became 'Nina's Colorful Corner'. - Look, Pedro! Everyone's joining in! Nina exclaimed. - It's like a rainbow of friends, Pedro replied happily. Nina had shown her classmates that differences didn't separate them; they made their world more beautiful.

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