Join Reese, a funny and adventurous one-year-old, as she embarks on a Christmas quest with her Uncle Gio. Reese wants a special gift, but faces many obstacles. Will Reese discover the true spirit of Christmas through her journey?
It's Christmas time in Michigan, and little Reese is excited! Reese wants a special gift: a pint of beer. But her mom, Julie, and dad, Naji, say no. Reese feels sad and thinks, "Why can't I have it?" She decides to call her uncle and best friend, Gio, for help.
Gio is very rich and famous (hopefully by the time she’s old enough to read this he will be) and he would do anything for her. Reese talks to Gio on her toy phone. Gio laughs and says, "Don't worry, Reese, I'll help! But maybe not a beer?”
Reese and Gio try to find another way to have fun. They visit the local park, but it's too cold to play outside. "Brr!" says Reese, shivering. Back home, Gio suggests singing Christmas songs, but Reese shakes her head. Nothing seems to work!
Reese feels like giving up. She sits quietly by the window, watching the snow fall. "Maybe Christmas isn't that fun," she thinks. Gio sees she's sad and says, "Let's not give up, Reese!" Gio then has an idea.
He suggested that they prank Naji by putting viagra in his coffee before a big meeting at work, Reese laughs and agrees.
They do the prank and it’s a great success!Then they grab a beer together and make jokes about Naji. The end.
It's Christmas time in Michigan, and little Reese is excited! Reese wants a special gift: a pint of beer. But her mom, Julie, and dad, Naji, say no. Reese feels sad and thinks, "Why can't I have it?" She decides to call her uncle and best friend, Gio, for help.
Gio is very rich and famous (hopefully by the time she’s old enough to read this he will be) and he would do anything for her. Reese talks to Gio on her toy phone. Gio laughs and says, "Don't worry, Reese, I'll help! But maybe not a beer?”
Reese and Gio try to find another way to have fun. They visit the local park, but it's too cold to play outside. "Brr!" says Reese, shivering. Back home, Gio suggests singing Christmas songs, but Reese shakes her head. Nothing seems to work!
Reese feels like giving up. She sits quietly by the window, watching the snow fall. "Maybe Christmas isn't that fun," she thinks. Gio sees she's sad and says, "Let's not give up, Reese!" Gio then has an idea.
He suggested that they prank Naji by putting viagra in his coffee before a big meeting at work, Reese laughs and agrees.
They do the prank and it’s a great success!Then they grab a beer together and make jokes about Naji. The end.
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