In the bustling city of Stamford, young Roman faces a daunting problem when a large, imaginary monster appears in his dreams, causing him sleepless nights. Despite his fears, Roman musters the courage to confront the monster, learning valuable lessons about bravery along the way. Will Roman overcome his fears and find peace in his dreams?
Roman was a shy boy living in Stamford, Connecticut. One night, he had a dream about a giant monster stomping through his neighborhood. The monster was big and scary, with sharp teeth and loud roars. Roman woke up scared and worried that the monster would come back. " - What if the monster is real? Roman wondered. He knew he had to be brave and find a way to fight it.
The next day, Roman tried to come up with a plan to defeat the monster. He thought about using his toy sword, but it seemed too small. Worse still, his friend Jake laughed when Roman told him about the monster. " - It's just a dream, Jake said. Roman felt even more worried. " - But what if it comes back tonight? Roman asked. He needed a better plan.
That night, Roman had another dream. This time, the monster was even bigger and scarier. Roman tried to run, but he tripped and fell. The monster got closer, and Roman screamed for help. " - I can't do it alone! Roman cried. He felt helpless and scared.
Roman woke up and decided maybe he should give up fighting the monster. " - It's too hard, he said to himself. But then he remembered his favorite superhero. " - What would Super Sam do? Roman thought. He wanted to be brave like his hero, but he didn't know how.
The next day, Roman's grandmother noticed he looked worried. " - What's wrong, dear? she asked. Roman told her about the monster. " - You are brave, Roman. You just need a plan, she said. She suggested he imagine a shield of light around him. Roman felt hopeful. " - Okay, I'll try, he said with a small smile.
That night, Roman faced the monster again in his dream. This time, he imagined a bright shield of light protecting him. The monster roared, but Roman stood firm and shouted, " - Go away! I'm not scared anymore! The monster shrank smaller and smaller until it vanished. Roman woke up feeling proud and brave.
Roman was a shy boy living in Stamford, Connecticut. One night, he had a dream about a giant monster stomping through his neighborhood. The monster was big and scary, with sharp teeth and loud roars. Roman woke up scared and worried that the monster would come back. " - What if the monster is real? Roman wondered. He knew he had to be brave and find a way to fight it.
The next day, Roman tried to come up with a plan to defeat the monster. He thought about using his toy sword, but it seemed too small. Worse still, his friend Jake laughed when Roman told him about the monster. " - It's just a dream, Jake said. Roman felt even more worried. " - But what if it comes back tonight? Roman asked. He needed a better plan.
That night, Roman had another dream. This time, the monster was even bigger and scarier. Roman tried to run, but he tripped and fell. The monster got closer, and Roman screamed for help. " - I can't do it alone! Roman cried. He felt helpless and scared.
Roman woke up and decided maybe he should give up fighting the monster. " - It's too hard, he said to himself. But then he remembered his favorite superhero. " - What would Super Sam do? Roman thought. He wanted to be brave like his hero, but he didn't know how.
The next day, Roman's grandmother noticed he looked worried. " - What's wrong, dear? she asked. Roman told her about the monster. " - You are brave, Roman. You just need a plan, she said. She suggested he imagine a shield of light around him. Roman felt hopeful. " - Okay, I'll try, he said with a small smile.
That night, Roman faced the monster again in his dream. This time, he imagined a bright shield of light protecting him. The monster roared, but Roman stood firm and shouted, " - Go away! I'm not scared anymore! The monster shrank smaller and smaller until it vanished. Roman woke up feeling proud and brave.
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