In the small coastal town of Starry Cove, five-year-old Brandon loved to gaze at the stars every night. One evening, he noticed the stars slowly disappearing and wondered, "Where do the stars go to sleep?" Brandon was determined to find out. He believed that if he knew their secret, he could keep them shining forever. " - I need to solve this mystery," Brandon thought, feeling like it was the most important thing in the world.
Brandon decided to ask his older sister, who always seemed to know everything. " - Where do the stars sleep?" Brandon asked. She giggled and said, " - Maybe they hide under your bed!" But Brandon knew that wasn't true and felt more confused than before. As he walked away, he wondered where else to look for answers.
Brandon tried asking the friendly baker in town. " - Do you know where the stars sleep?" he inquired. The baker shook his head and replied, " - I only know where the best cookies are!" Disappointed, Brandon wandered to the beach, hoping the ocean might whisper the secret. But the waves only splashed playfully at his feet.
Feeling defeated, Brandon sat on the sandy shore, watching the waves. " - Maybe I'll never find out," he sighed. Just then, a wise old sailor sat next to him. " - What's got you so down, young one?" the sailor asked. Brandon told him about his quest and how he was ready to give up.
The old sailor chuckled softly and said, " - Stars don't sleep, but they do have a secret. They shine brightly because they burn with curiosity, just like you!" Brandon's eyes widened with understanding. " - I just need to keep looking and learning!" he exclaimed, feeling hopeful again. The sailor nodded, " - Wisdom comes from asking questions, my boy."
With renewed determination, Brandon ran back to thank his sister and the baker for their help. He shared what the sailor had taught him. " - It's okay not to know everything. Asking questions makes us wise!" he said happily. That night, Brandon watched the stars twinkle, knowing their secret wasn't about where they sleep, but about the wisdom in curiosity.
In the small coastal town of Starry Cove, five-year-old Brandon loved to gaze at the stars every night. One evening, he noticed the stars slowly disappearing and wondered, "Where do the stars go to sleep?" Brandon was determined to find out. He believed that if he knew their secret, he could keep them shining forever. " - I need to solve this mystery," Brandon thought, feeling like it was the most important thing in the world.
Brandon decided to ask his older sister, who always seemed to know everything. " - Where do the stars sleep?" Brandon asked. She giggled and said, " - Maybe they hide under your bed!" But Brandon knew that wasn't true and felt more confused than before. As he walked away, he wondered where else to look for answers.
Brandon tried asking the friendly baker in town. " - Do you know where the stars sleep?" he inquired. The baker shook his head and replied, " - I only know where the best cookies are!" Disappointed, Brandon wandered to the beach, hoping the ocean might whisper the secret. But the waves only splashed playfully at his feet.
Feeling defeated, Brandon sat on the sandy shore, watching the waves. " - Maybe I'll never find out," he sighed. Just then, a wise old sailor sat next to him. " - What's got you so down, young one?" the sailor asked. Brandon told him about his quest and how he was ready to give up.
The old sailor chuckled softly and said, " - Stars don't sleep, but they do have a secret. They shine brightly because they burn with curiosity, just like you!" Brandon's eyes widened with understanding. " - I just need to keep looking and learning!" he exclaimed, feeling hopeful again. The sailor nodded, " - Wisdom comes from asking questions, my boy."
With renewed determination, Brandon ran back to thank his sister and the baker for their help. He shared what the sailor had taught him. " - It's okay not to know everything. Asking questions makes us wise!" he said happily. That night, Brandon watched the stars twinkle, knowing their secret wasn't about where they sleep, but about the wisdom in curiosity.
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