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Sabedoria: A Arquiteta do Pai

Wisdom Watercolor style

Join Noah, a curious young boy from Brazil, as he embarks on a magical journey to understand how the world was created. Guided by Sabedoria, the architect of creation, Noah learns about wisdom and how to apply it in everyday life. Along the way, he faces challenges that test his determination, but with wisdom by his side, he discovers that even the smallest acts of kindness and organization are part of a greater plan.

Noah was sitting in his garden, watching the clouds drift across the sky. He wondered, "How was all of this made? Who planned the stars, the mountains, and even the smallest flowers?" Suddenly, a gentle light filled the garden, and a radiant figure appeared with a welcoming smile. - Hello, Noah. I am Sabedoria, the architect of the Father. I was with Him when the world was created, said Sabedoria.

Noah looked at Sabedoria, amazed. - You helped God make all this? he asked, wide-eyed. - Yes, from the very beginning! replied Sabedoria, gesturing towards the sky. - The stars were placed in their perfect spots, like pieces of a puzzle. But the world wasn't always this orderly. At first, there was chaos, and we had to work hard to bring everything together.

Eager to learn more, Noah faced his first obstacle. His friends laughed when he told them about Sabedoria. - That's just a story, Noah! they teased. Feeling discouraged, Noah wondered if he had imagined everything. - But it felt so real, he whispered to himself. Yet, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he had seen something truly special.

Noah tried to forget, but questions kept bubbling in his mind. - Maybe I should just stop thinking about it, he sighed. Yet, every time he saw a tree or a bird, he remembered Sabedoria's words. He felt a small ache in his heart, longing to understand the wisdom behind creation. - It's too hard, he muttered, feeling lost without answers.

One afternoon, while drawing in his notebook, Noah had an epiphany. He remembered Sabedoria's advice about using wisdom in everyday actions. - I can start by organizing my toys and helping my friends, he realized. Excited, he began to see wisdom in simple acts of kindness and order. - Maybe that's how I can be part of the great plan, he thought hopefully.

With renewed energy, Noah set out to solve his problem. He shared his newfound wisdom with friends, teaching them to appreciate the beauty around them. - Look at how perfectly the flowers grow, he pointed out, smiling. His friends started to see the world differently, too. Noah realized that wisdom was not just about knowing, but also about sharing.

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