Join Stella and her cat Tom in Zurich as they bravely face the first day of preschool. With Stella's encouragement, Tom learns that school can be a place full of fun and new friends, overcoming his fears with courage.
Stella was so excited to start school, but her cat Tom was not so sure. " - I don't want to go!" Tom meowed. " - It's scary!" Stella looked at Tom with her big, brave eyes. " - School will be fun, Tom!" she said. But Tom still felt very nervous.
On the way to school, Tom hid behind Stella's backpack. " - What if the other kids don't like me?" Tom asked. Stella patted Tom gently. " - We'll make lots of friends," she said. They reached a big, bright school with a playground outside. Still, Tom was worried.
Inside the classroom, Tom saw so many new faces and felt very small. The teacher smiled warmly. " - Welcome, everyone!" she said. But Tom wanted to hide. " - I can't do this," Tom whispered to Stella. Stella held his paw tightly.
Tom decided he couldn't stay and tugged on Stella's dress. " - Let's go home," Tom said, his voice trembling. Stella knelt down to look into Tom's eyes. " - But what about the games and stories?" she asked softly. Tom shook his head, feeling overwhelmed.
Just then, a friendly little girl approached. " - Hi! I'm Mia, do you want to play?" she asked. Tom looked at Stella, who nodded encouragingly. " - Maybe it won't be so bad," Tom thought. He took a deep breath, feeling a bit braver.
By the end of the day, Tom was smiling. " - School is fun!" he exclaimed. Stella laughed, " - I told you so!" They played and painted and even made new friends. Tom realized that school wasn't scary after all. He couldn't wait to come back tomorrow.
Stella was so excited to start school, but her cat Tom was not so sure. " - I don't want to go!" Tom meowed. " - It's scary!" Stella looked at Tom with her big, brave eyes. " - School will be fun, Tom!" she said. But Tom still felt very nervous.
On the way to school, Tom hid behind Stella's backpack. " - What if the other kids don't like me?" Tom asked. Stella patted Tom gently. " - We'll make lots of friends," she said. They reached a big, bright school with a playground outside. Still, Tom was worried.
Inside the classroom, Tom saw so many new faces and felt very small. The teacher smiled warmly. " - Welcome, everyone!" she said. But Tom wanted to hide. " - I can't do this," Tom whispered to Stella. Stella held his paw tightly.
Tom decided he couldn't stay and tugged on Stella's dress. " - Let's go home," Tom said, his voice trembling. Stella knelt down to look into Tom's eyes. " - But what about the games and stories?" she asked softly. Tom shook his head, feeling overwhelmed.
Just then, a friendly little girl approached. " - Hi! I'm Mia, do you want to play?" she asked. Tom looked at Stella, who nodded encouragingly. " - Maybe it won't be so bad," Tom thought. He took a deep breath, feeling a bit braver.
By the end of the day, Tom was smiling. " - School is fun!" he exclaimed. Stella laughed, " - I told you so!" They played and painted and even made new friends. Tom realized that school wasn't scary after all. He couldn't wait to come back tomorrow.
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