In the bustling city of Dubai lived two lively sisters, Halima and Khadija. Halima was a funny four-year-old with long light brown curly hair. They were excited to visit their cousin Hedi in Sfax, Tunisia. They loved their holiday reunions, but this time, there was a problem. Hedi only spoke Arabic, and Halima and Khadija spoke English.
When they arrived in Sfax, they ran to hug Hedi. But soon, they realized they couldn't talk to him easily. Halima tried to tell Hedi a joke, but he didn't understand. Feeling frustrated, she didn’t know what to do. They needed a way to communicate and share their fun.
They decided to play a game of hide and seek. Hedi ran and hid, but Halima and Khadija couldn't understand his clues. Every time they guessed wrong, Hedi laughed, but Halima felt sadder. She wanted to play with her cousin, but it was so hard!
Halima sat down, feeling like giving up. She looked at Khadija and said, - How can we play if we don't understand each other? Khadija hugged her and said, - We can't give up. Maybe we can find another way to talk to Hedi.
Just then, their aunt came with a tray of traditional sweets. She showed them how to make them using gestures. Halima got an idea! - We can use signs and actions to talk, she said. Khadija and Hedi agreed, and soon they were laughing and making sweets together.
With their new way of communicating, the cousins had the best holiday ever. They sang songs, danced, and even learned a few words in each other’s languages. Halima realized that even though they spoke different languages, their hearts understood each other. They promised to always find a way to share their joy.
In the bustling city of Dubai lived two lively sisters, Halima and Khadija. Halima was a funny four-year-old with long light brown curly hair. They were excited to visit their cousin Hedi in Sfax, Tunisia. They loved their holiday reunions, but this time, there was a problem. Hedi only spoke Arabic, and Halima and Khadija spoke English.
When they arrived in Sfax, they ran to hug Hedi. But soon, they realized they couldn't talk to him easily. Halima tried to tell Hedi a joke, but he didn't understand. Feeling frustrated, she didn’t know what to do. They needed a way to communicate and share their fun.
They decided to play a game of hide and seek. Hedi ran and hid, but Halima and Khadija couldn't understand his clues. Every time they guessed wrong, Hedi laughed, but Halima felt sadder. She wanted to play with her cousin, but it was so hard!
Halima sat down, feeling like giving up. She looked at Khadija and said, - How can we play if we don't understand each other? Khadija hugged her and said, - We can't give up. Maybe we can find another way to talk to Hedi.
Just then, their aunt came with a tray of traditional sweets. She showed them how to make them using gestures. Halima got an idea! - We can use signs and actions to talk, she said. Khadija and Hedi agreed, and soon they were laughing and making sweets together.
With their new way of communicating, the cousins had the best holiday ever. They sang songs, danced, and even learned a few words in each other’s languages. Halima realized that even though they spoke different languages, their hearts understood each other. They promised to always find a way to share their joy.
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