In a sunny village, young Julie and her animal friends learn the importance of kindness and empathy when a shy porcupine named Poppy joins their school. As Poppy faces teasing from others, it's up to Julie and wise owl Oliver to teach everyone about seeing the world through someone else's eyes. Will they manage to make Forest School a place of friendship and acceptance?
In a sunny village, there was a Forest School where animals played and learned together. One day, Poppy the porcupine joined the class, but her quills made her shy. Some animals started teasing her, calling her "Pokey" and "Needle Nose." Poppy felt sad and lonely. Julie wanted to help her new friend, but wasn't sure how.
Julie tried talking to the animals about being nice, but they just giggled. " - It's just a joke," a bunny said. Julie felt frustrated because the teasing continued. She wanted everyone to see how their words hurt Poppy. Julie decided she needed a plan.
Julie tried to invite Poppy to play, but she was too shy. " - I don't want to get poked," said a squirrel. Julie felt sad and didn't know how to help Poppy make friends. She needed a new idea. Julie was determined to make things better.
Julie sat under a tree, feeling defeated. She thought about giving up. " - Maybe I can't help," she whispered to herself. But then, wise old owl Oliver flew down to her. " - Don't give up, Julie," Oliver said with a twinkle in his eye.
Oliver gave Julie a pair of magic glasses. " - These will help you see through Poppy's eyes," he explained. Julie put them on and suddenly felt how lonely Poppy was. She realized how important it was to be kind and help others see the same. Julie knew what to do next.
Julie gathered all the animals together and shared Oliver's magic glasses with them. " - Oh, now I understand," said the bunny with tears in her eyes. The animals hugged Poppy and promised to be kind. Poppy smiled, feeling happy and accepted for the first time. Forest School was now a place of friendship and empathy.
In a sunny village, there was a Forest School where animals played and learned together. One day, Poppy the porcupine joined the class, but her quills made her shy. Some animals started teasing her, calling her "Pokey" and "Needle Nose." Poppy felt sad and lonely. Julie wanted to help her new friend, but wasn't sure how.
Julie tried talking to the animals about being nice, but they just giggled. " - It's just a joke," a bunny said. Julie felt frustrated because the teasing continued. She wanted everyone to see how their words hurt Poppy. Julie decided she needed a plan.
Julie tried to invite Poppy to play, but she was too shy. " - I don't want to get poked," said a squirrel. Julie felt sad and didn't know how to help Poppy make friends. She needed a new idea. Julie was determined to make things better.
Julie sat under a tree, feeling defeated. She thought about giving up. " - Maybe I can't help," she whispered to herself. But then, wise old owl Oliver flew down to her. " - Don't give up, Julie," Oliver said with a twinkle in his eye.
Oliver gave Julie a pair of magic glasses. " - These will help you see through Poppy's eyes," he explained. Julie put them on and suddenly felt how lonely Poppy was. She realized how important it was to be kind and help others see the same. Julie knew what to do next.
Julie gathered all the animals together and shared Oliver's magic glasses with them. " - Oh, now I understand," said the bunny with tears in her eyes. The animals hugged Poppy and promised to be kind. Poppy smiled, feeling happy and accepted for the first time. Forest School was now a place of friendship and empathy.
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