In ancient Bangalore, a young girl named Rahid faces a family tragedy. Struggling with her grief, she finds solace and learns about tolerance through an unexpected gift from her grandma.
In the bustling city of Bangalore in ancient India, a bright young girl named Rahid lived happily with her family. One day, a terrible storm struck their village, and Rahid's beloved father was lost in the flood. The family was heartbroken, and Rahid felt a deep sadness she had never known before. She missed her father every day and felt lost without him. Her mother and grandmother tried to comfort her, but the pain was too great.
Rahid wanted to feel happy again, but she didn't know how. One day, her grandma gave her a small book with stories about Jesus. Rahid was curious but didn't understand how reading could help her sadness. She tried to read the book, but her tears made it hard to see the words. Feeling more frustrated, she closed the book and put it aside.
Days went by, and Rahid still missed her father terribly. She tried playing with her friends, but nothing felt right. One evening, her grandma came to her with a small, fluffy puppy. " - This is for you, Rahid," her grandma said. " - He will help you feel better." Rahid loved the puppy right away and named him Bruno, but she still felt sad inside.
Rahid tried to read the book about Jesus again, but she struggled to understand it. She felt like giving up and thought nothing would make her feel better. " - I can't do it, Grandma," Rahid said. " - It's too hard." Her grandma hugged her and said, " - Sometimes we need help to understand things." Rahid felt a little better but still didn't know what to do.
One night, Rahid had a dream. In her dream, she saw her father smiling and holding Bruno. " - Jesus is with us, Rahid," her father said. " - He wants you to be happy and strong." Rahid woke up feeling a warm glow in her heart. She decided to read the book again, this time with her grandma's help.
With her grandma's help, Rahid started to understand the stories about Jesus. She learned about love, kindness, and tolerance. Rahid began to feel happier and more at peace. She played with Bruno every day, and slowly, her heart began to heal. Rahid knew her father would always be with her in spirit, and she felt Jesus' love guiding her.
In the bustling city of Bangalore in ancient India, a bright young girl named Rahid lived happily with her family. One day, a terrible storm struck their village, and Rahid's beloved father was lost in the flood. The family was heartbroken, and Rahid felt a deep sadness she had never known before. She missed her father every day and felt lost without him. Her mother and grandmother tried to comfort her, but the pain was too great.
Rahid wanted to feel happy again, but she didn't know how. One day, her grandma gave her a small book with stories about Jesus. Rahid was curious but didn't understand how reading could help her sadness. She tried to read the book, but her tears made it hard to see the words. Feeling more frustrated, she closed the book and put it aside.
Days went by, and Rahid still missed her father terribly. She tried playing with her friends, but nothing felt right. One evening, her grandma came to her with a small, fluffy puppy. " - This is for you, Rahid," her grandma said. " - He will help you feel better." Rahid loved the puppy right away and named him Bruno, but she still felt sad inside.
Rahid tried to read the book about Jesus again, but she struggled to understand it. She felt like giving up and thought nothing would make her feel better. " - I can't do it, Grandma," Rahid said. " - It's too hard." Her grandma hugged her and said, " - Sometimes we need help to understand things." Rahid felt a little better but still didn't know what to do.
One night, Rahid had a dream. In her dream, she saw her father smiling and holding Bruno. " - Jesus is with us, Rahid," her father said. " - He wants you to be happy and strong." Rahid woke up feeling a warm glow in her heart. She decided to read the book again, this time with her grandma's help.
With her grandma's help, Rahid started to understand the stories about Jesus. She learned about love, kindness, and tolerance. Rahid began to feel happier and more at peace. She played with Bruno every day, and slowly, her heart began to heal. Rahid knew her father would always be with her in spirit, and she felt Jesus' love guiding her.
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