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Hamish Uses the Toilet

Wisdom Digital art style

Hamish is a four-year-old boy who loves playing with his siblings. But there's one big problem: he often forgets to stop playing to use the toilet. Join Hamish on his journey as he learns the steps of toileting and becomes a 'poo superhero'!

Hamish loved playing with his big sister Feya and little brother Finley. They jumped on the trampoline and wrestled in the living room. But Hamish had a problem. He always forgot to stop playing to use the toilet. This made him feel very upset.

- Why are you sad, Hamish? Feya asked. - I keep forgetting to use the toilet when I play, Hamish replied. Hamish didn't want to stop playing because it was so much fun. But he knew he had to learn how to use the toilet properly. His mum said it was important.

One day, Hamish was playing with his toy cars. He felt like he needed to go to the toilet. - Oh no! I don't want to stop playing, he thought. He decided to hold it in. But holding it in made his tummy hurt.

Hamish ran to the kitchen where his mum was cooking. - Mum, my tummy hurts! he cried. - Did you forget to use the toilet again? his mum asked. Hamish nodded sadly. - You need to stop playing and go to the toilet when you feel like this, his mum explained.

The next day, Hamish was jumping on the trampoline. He felt that feeling again. - I need to go to the toilet, he thought. But the trampoline was so much fun! He decided to keep jumping. Soon, he couldn't hold it anymore and had an accident.

Hamish felt embarrassed. - I can't do it, he cried. - It's okay, Hamish. You'll get better at it, Feya said. But Hamish didn't believe her. He felt like giving up.

That night, Hamish's dad sat with him. - Hamish, I know it's hard, but you can do it, his dad said. - But I keep forgetting, Hamish replied. - Let's make a plan together. We can practice the steps, his dad suggested.

The next morning, Hamish felt ready to try again. - I can do it! he said to himself. He was playing with his toy cars when he felt the need to go. - I need to stop and go now, he reminded himself. But he was still scared to leave his toys.

Hamish's mum saw him hesitate. - You can do it, Hamish! she encouraged. - Remember our plan, Dad said. Hamish took a deep breath. He stopped playing and went to the toilet. He did all the steps: pulling down his pants, sitting, waiting, and flushing.

Hamish washed his hands with soap and water. - I did it! he shouted. His family cheered. - You're a 'poo superhero' now! his mum said. Hamish felt proud and happy. He even got a candy from his mum as a reward.

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