Adit is a spirited 10-year-old who faces a challenge in managing his emotions at school. With the help of a wise counselor and a magical tool called 'Emosi Bot,' Adit embarks on a journey to understand and control his feelings, especially anger, amidst everyday school adventures.
Adit, a 10-year-old in 4th grade, is full of energy but struggles with his emotions. One day, during a soccer match at school, he gets angry when his team loses. " - It's not fair!" Adit shouts, kicking the ball away. His friends look at him, unsure how to help. Adit feels embarrassed but doesn't know how to control his anger. The problem of managing his emotions becomes clearer to him.
Adit decides to avoid playing soccer, but during class, he can't focus. " - I just can't stop thinking about losing," he tells Rina, his shy friend. Rina suggests, " - Maybe you could talk to Kakak Tia?" But Adit shakes his head, feeling too proud to ask for help. As the day goes on, Adit's inability to concentrate becomes an obstacle.
During lunch, Adit overhears his friends laughing and feels they are mocking him. " - I bet they think I'm a loser," he mutters to Budi, his easily angered friend. Budi replies, " - Forget them! Who cares what they think?" But Adit can't help but feel sad. These thoughts add to his growing list of obstacles. He wonders if he will ever overcome them.
Feeling defeated, Adit considers giving up on finding a solution. " - Maybe I'm just meant to be angry all the time," he tells himself on his way home. He watches other kids playing and laughing without a care. The thought of never controlling his emotions weighs heavily on him. Adit feels more hopeless than ever.
That evening, Adit's mother notices his sadness and suggests speaking to Kakak Tia. " - She might have some advice," she says gently. Reluctantly, Adit agrees and finds himself in Kakak Tia's office the next day. She introduces him to 'Emosi Bot,' a magical tool to help understand emotions. " - With this, you can name and manage your feelings," she explains. Adit feels a spark of hope.
With 'Emosi Bot,' Adit begins to practice managing his emotions. He learns to breathe deeply and count to ten when angry. " - It actually works," he tells Rina and Budi during recess. They try it too, and soon, handling emotions becomes easier for all. Adit feels proud and confident as he navigates school life with newfound wisdom.
Adit, a 10-year-old in 4th grade, is full of energy but struggles with his emotions. One day, during a soccer match at school, he gets angry when his team loses. " - It's not fair!" Adit shouts, kicking the ball away. His friends look at him, unsure how to help. Adit feels embarrassed but doesn't know how to control his anger. The problem of managing his emotions becomes clearer to him.
Adit decides to avoid playing soccer, but during class, he can't focus. " - I just can't stop thinking about losing," he tells Rina, his shy friend. Rina suggests, " - Maybe you could talk to Kakak Tia?" But Adit shakes his head, feeling too proud to ask for help. As the day goes on, Adit's inability to concentrate becomes an obstacle.
During lunch, Adit overhears his friends laughing and feels they are mocking him. " - I bet they think I'm a loser," he mutters to Budi, his easily angered friend. Budi replies, " - Forget them! Who cares what they think?" But Adit can't help but feel sad. These thoughts add to his growing list of obstacles. He wonders if he will ever overcome them.
Feeling defeated, Adit considers giving up on finding a solution. " - Maybe I'm just meant to be angry all the time," he tells himself on his way home. He watches other kids playing and laughing without a care. The thought of never controlling his emotions weighs heavily on him. Adit feels more hopeless than ever.
That evening, Adit's mother notices his sadness and suggests speaking to Kakak Tia. " - She might have some advice," she says gently. Reluctantly, Adit agrees and finds himself in Kakak Tia's office the next day. She introduces him to 'Emosi Bot,' a magical tool to help understand emotions. " - With this, you can name and manage your feelings," she explains. Adit feels a spark of hope.
With 'Emosi Bot,' Adit begins to practice managing his emotions. He learns to breathe deeply and count to ten when angry. " - It actually works," he tells Rina and Budi during recess. They try it too, and soon, handling emotions becomes easier for all. Adit feels proud and confident as he navigates school life with newfound wisdom.
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