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Making Cakes with Aunty Shan

Courage Vector style

Join Aunty Shan and her two enthusiastic nieces, Emily and Jake, on a delightful baking adventure. With an important birthday cake to make, the trio faces challenges that test their courage and creativity. Can they overcome the obstacles and deliver a delicious surprise?

Emily and Jake were excited to bake a birthday cake for their dad with Aunty Shan. But there was one big problem: none of them had ever baked a cake before! They needed to create a perfect cake, but they didn't know how. The birthday was only a day away, and they didn't want to disappoint their dad. " - How hard can it be?" Jake asked nervously. " - We'll need to be brave and try," Aunty Shan assured, adjusting her glasses.

Their first obstacle came quickly when they realized they were missing key ingredients. The flour jar was empty, and they had no eggs! " - What do we do now, Aunty Shan?" Emily asked, worried. " - We'll have to go to the store," Aunty Shan decided. The three of them bundled up and ventured out, hoping the store would have everything they needed. " - Let's hurry, we still have a cake to bake!" Jake exclaimed.

Returning from the store, they faced another challenge: the recipe was more complex than they thought. " - We need to follow the steps carefully," Aunty Shan explained. As they mixed and measured, flour spilled, and eggshells fell into the bowl. " - This is harder than I thought," Jake mumbled. " - It's okay, we're learning," Emily encouraged. They kept trying but mistakes kept happening.

After a series of mishaps, Aunty Shan felt overwhelmed and considered giving up. " - Maybe we should just buy a cake," she sighed. But Emily and Jake looked disappointed. " - We wanted to make it special," Emily said softly. " - We can't let dad down," Jake added. Aunty Shan realized how important this was to them. " - Maybe we just need a new plan," she suggested, trying to lift their spirits.

Aunty Shan remembered her friend, a professional baker, who might have some advice. " - Let's call Chef Mia," she proposed. Chef Mia was delighted to help and shared a simpler recipe over the phone. " - We can do this," Aunty Shan said confidently. " - Let's start again!" Emily cheered. With renewed determination, they followed the new recipe step by step.

This time, everything went smoothly, and the cake turned out beautifully. " - We did it!" Jake exclaimed, clapping his hands. The cake was decorated with colorful icing and sprinkles. " - Dad is going to love this," Emily smiled. Aunty Shan was proud of their courage and teamwork. They learned that with patience and a little help, they could achieve anything!

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